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2011 Changes Test 14

Course Name:  2011 NEC Changes
Quiz Number:  No. 14
Teacher:  Gerald Newton
Teacher's Email:

No. of Questions= 10

1 In general, in Patient Care Areas in health care facilities metal boxes and enclosures containing receptacles shall be directly connected to the ________ .
a) EGC
b) an insulated equipment bonding jumper that directly connects to the equipment grounding conductor
c) a or b
2 Isolated grounding type receptacles are prohibited in ___________________ .
a) Patient Care Areas
b) Hospital Offices
c) Hospital Computer Rooms
3 Each Patient Bed Location shall be served by two branch circuits, one from the emergency supply and one from ______________________ .
a) the critical supply
b) the normal supply
c) life safety supply
4 _________________ receptacles are permitted to serve Patient Bed Location in health care facilities.
a) Quadruplex
b) Single
c) Duplex
d) a, b, and c
5 In anesthetizing locations one or more battery-powered lighting units shall be provided and shall be permitted to be wired to the __________________ in the area and connected ahead of any local switches.
a) normal lighting circuit
b) emergency lighting circuit
c) critical lighting circuit
6 The isolated circuit conductors shall be identified as follows:
a) ) Isolated Conductor No. 1 — Orange with at least one distinctive colored stripe other than white, green, or gray along the entire length of the conductor.
b) Isolated Conductor No. 2 — Brown with at least one distinctive colored stripe other than white, green, or gray along the entire length of the conductor.
c) Where isolated circuit conductors supply 125-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20-ampere receptacles, the striped orange conductor(s) shall be connected to the grounded conductor terminal
d) a, b, and c
7 In exhibition halls used for display booths, as in trade shows all other ground-fault circuit-interrupter requirements of the Code shall apply. Flexible cables and cords approved for ___________________ shall be permitted to be laid on floors where protected from contact by the general public.
a) extra-hard usage
b) hard
c) a or b
8 Portable structures shall not be located under or within _________ horizontally and extending vertically to grade of conductors in excess of 600 volts.
a) 15 feet
b) 10 feet
c) 5 feet
9 In general All 125-volt, single phase, 15 and 20 ampere receptacles installed in and outside agriculture buildings are required to be _________protected.
a) Ground Fault
10 Where a site is supplied by more than one distribution point, a permanent label or directory shall be installed at each of these distribution points indicating the location of each of the other distribution points and ___________________________ served by each.
a) the barns or outhouses
b) the barns or houses
c) the buildings or structures

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© Gerald Newton