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2011 Changes Test 21

Course Name:  2011 NEC Changes
Quiz Number:  No. 21
Teacher:  Gerald Newton
Teacher's Email:

No. of Questions= 10

1 Individual single-pole circuit breakers, with identified handle ties, shall be permitted as the protection for each ungrounded conductor of ____________________________________ .
a) multiwire branch circuits that serve only single-phase line-to neutral and phase to phase loads.
b) multiwire branch circuits that serve only single-phase line-to neutral loads.
c) multiwire branch circuits that serve only phase to phase loads.
2 In grounded systems, individual single-pole circuit breakers rated ____________ ac, with identified handle ties, shall be permitted as the protection for each ungrounded conductor for line-to-line connected loads for single-phase circuits.
a) 120/240 volts
b) 120/240 and 277/480 volts
c) 277/480 volts
3 For line-to-line loads in 4-wire, 3-phase systems or 5-wire, 2-phase systems, individual single-pole circuit breakers rated 120/240 volts ac with identified handle ties shall be permitted as the protection for each ungrounded conductor, if the systems have a grounded neutral point and the voltage to ground does not exceed ________
a) 120 volts.
b) 480 volts
c) 240 volts
d) 277 volts
4 Individual single pole circuit breakers rated 125/250 volts DC with identified handle ties shall be permitted as the protection for each ungrounded conductor for line-to-line connected loads for 3-wire, direct-current circuits supplied from a system with a grounded neutral where the voltage to ground _____________________
a) does not exceed 250 volts.
b) does not exceed 120 volts.
c) does not exceed 125 volts.
5 Angle connectors for flexible metal and liquidtight metal conduit shall _____________
a) be concealed
b) not be concealed
6 ________________________ are now referred to as PVC.
a) Homogenous PVC and nonhomogenous PVC
b) Homogenous PVC
c) nonhomogenous PVC
d) a, b and c
7 Busways shall be permitted to be installed behind access panels, provided the busways are totally enclosed, of nonventilating-type construction, and installed _____________________________ are accessible for maintenance purposes.
a) the busbars
b) so that the joints between sections and at fittings
8 For other than dwelling units existing installed luminaires without disconnecting means, ________________ is (are) replaced, a disconnecting means shall be installed.
a) a lamp
b) at the time a ballast
c) the lamps and ballat
d) b or c
9 A means shall be provided to ________________ disconnect each appliance from all ungrounded conductors .
a) simultaneously
b) individually
10 Heating cables or panels in floors are required to be __________________
a) GFP protected
b) GFCI protected.
c) ground fault protected

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© Gerald Newton