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2008 NEC Changes Test 1

Course Name:  2008 NEC Changes
Quiz Number:  No.1
Teacher:  Gerald Newton
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No. of Questions= 10
Pass mark is - 70 %.

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1 Two new terms have been added to Article 100. They are Neutral Conductor and Neutral Point. Throughout the 2008 NEC the word neutral in the 2005 NEC has been replaced by one of these terms. Neutral Point is defined as the common point on a wye-connection in a polyphase system or midpoint on a single-phase 3-wire system, or mid point on a single-phase portion of a 3-phase delta system, or a midpoint of a 3-wire direct-current system.

Question: What is the midpoint of a single-phase 3-wire residential service called?

a) Neutral
b) Neutral Point
c) Grounded Point
d) Neutral Conductor
2 Two new terms have been added to Article 100. They are Neutral Conductor and Neutral Point. Throughout the 2008 NEC the word neutral in the 2005 NEC has been replaced by one of these terms. Neutral Conductor is the conductor connected to the neutral point of a system that is intended to carry current under normal conditions.

Question: In a 3-phase 4-wire polyphase wye system the common point is called the ___________________ . The conductor connected to this point that is intended to carry current is called the _________________ .

a) Neutral Conductor, Neutral Point
b) X0, Neutral Conductor
c) Common X0, Neutral Conductor
d) Neutral Point, Neutral Conductor
3 Many revisions have been made to Article 100 for the definitions of bonded, ground, grounded, grounded conductor - equipment, and grounding electrode conductor. Grounded effectively has been deleted and a new definition of ungrounded has been added. Ungrounded is defined as not connected to ground or to a conductive body that extends the ground connection. Ground is defined as the earth. Grounded is defined as connected to ground or to a conductive body that extends the ground connection. Grounded solidly is connected to ground without inserting any resistor or impedance device.

Question: If a system is grounded through a resistor or inductor which term describes this system?

a) Grounded
b) Grounded solidly
c) Ungrounded
d) High impedance grounded
4 The definition of Bonded (Bonding) has been revised to read: Connected to establish electrical continuity and conductivity. The 2005 NEC "the capacity to conduct safely any current likely to be imposed" requirement has been removed. This new definition is more general and now can be applied throughout the NEC. The specific purpose of bonding as required in Article 250 is given in Article 100 as: "The purpose of bonding is to connect two or more conductive objects together to: (1) ensure the electrical continuity of the fault-current path, and (2) provide the capacity and ability to conduct safely any fault current likely to be imposed, and (3) minimize potential differences between conductive components.

Question: All metallic parts of the swimming pool structure, including the reinforcing metal of the pool shell, coping stones, and deck, shall be ____________. The usual steel tie wires shall be considered suitable for _____________ the reinforcing steel together, and welding or special clamping shall not be required.

a) grounding, bonded
b) grounding, grounded
c) bonded, bonding
5 A new definition for branch-circuit-overcurrent device is stated as: A device capable of providing protection for services, feeder, and branch circuits and equipment over the full range of overcurrents between its rating and its interrupting rating. Branch-circuit overcurrent devices are provided with interrupting ratings appropriate for the intended purpose but no less than 5,000 amperes. It should be noted that supplementary overcurrent protective devices may not provide an interrupting rating and should not be used in place of branch-circuit overcurrent devices that do.

Question: The minimum branch-circuit protective device interrupting rating is _________ amperes.

a) 21,000
b) 10,000
c) 5,000
6 A new definition of clothes closet states: Clothes Closet: A non-habitable room or SPACE intended primarily for storage of garments and apparel.

Question: A clothes closet is a ______ intended for storing garments or apparel and may not be a room with a door.

a) Room
b) Space
c) Storage area
d) Closet
7 A new definition of device: A device is a unit of an electrical system that carries or controls electrical energy as its principal function. This new definition was is a result of litigation. By this new definition device such as a lighted snap switch and GFCI receptacles with a LED now can utilize electrical energy, but the principal purpose is to carry or control electrical energy.

Question: The new definition of device allows devices to utilize a minimal amount of ______________ , but requires that their principal purpose is to carry or control electrical energy.

a) LEDs
b) electrical energy
c) lights
d) power
8 New definition of ground: Ground. The earth. The phrase "some conducting body that serves in place of earth" has been removed. This is a major simplification and removes the ambiguity in attempting to define a "conductive body in place of earth."

Question: Ground is defined as ____________ .

a) The earth
b) A conductor connected to earth
c) A conducting body serving as earth
9 A New definition of Grounding Electrode removes the word device and replaces it with "a conducting object." Grounding Electrode: A conducting object through which a direct connection to earth is established.

Question: A Grounding Electrode is a __________ through which a direct connection to earth is established.

a) device
b) conducting object
c) ground rod
d) plate
10 The definition of ground conductor equipment (EGC) has been revised and two new Fine Print Notes have been added. The EGC has three functions: 1. The EGC provides a grounding connection to earth for equipment which is a grounding function. 2. The EGC connects the non-current carrying metal parts of equipment together and to the system grounded conductor, the grounding electrode conductor, or both, which is bonding. 3. The EGC provides the effective ground-fault current path to facilitate overcurrent protective device operation during ground fault conditions. New revised definition: Grounding Conductor, Equipment (EGC). The conductive path installed to connect normally non-current carrying metal parts of equipment together and to the system grounded conductor or to the grounding electrode conductor, or both.

Question: The EGC is also has the function of __________ .

a) grounding
b) bonding

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© Gerald Newton