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2008 Changes Test 14

Course Name:  2008 NEC Changes
Quiz Number:  No. 14
Teacher:  Gerald Newton
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No. of Questions= 10
Pass mark is - 70 %.

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1 344.10(A) A new type of conduit has been added to Article 344 that covers Rigid Metal Conduit.
Red Brass RMC is now included as rigid metal conduit.
Additionally, this section has been revised into three subsections.
Uses Permitted
(A) Atmospheric Conditions and Occupancies.
(1) Galvanized Steel and Stainless Steel RMC
(2) Red Brass RMC
(3) Aluminum RMC
(4) Ferrous Raceways and Fittings

Question: RMC includes the following conduits:

a) Aluminum RMC
b) Red Brass RMC
c) Galvanized Steel and Stainless Steel RMC
d) a, b, and c
2 348.12(1) Uses Not Permitted
Flexible Metal Conduit shall not be used in wet locations.

Question: Flexible Metal Conduit shall not be used ___________ .

a) Out of doors
b) where directly buried in earth
c) in Wet Locations
d) where embedded in concrete
e) a, b, c, and d
3 348.30(A) for Flexible Metal Conduit (FMC) and 350.30(A) for Liquidtight Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC) Exception No. 1
Securely Fastened
Where FMC or LFMC is fished between access points through concealed spaces in finished buildings or structures and supporting is impractical the conduits are not required to be supported or secured.

Question: Where FMC or LFMC is fished between access points through concealed spaces in finished buildings or structures and supporting is impractical the conduits ______________ to be supported or secured.

a) are required
b) are not required
4 348.60 Grounding and Bonding
New phrase "after installation" added
When used to connect equipment where flexibility is required after installation, an equipment grounding conductor shall be installed.

Question: When used to connect equipment where flexibility is required after installation, _______________________________in Flexible Metal Conduit.

a) an equipment grounding conductor shall be installed
b) external bonding jumper shall be installed
c) an internal bonding jumper shall be installed
5 350.30 Exception No. 2
Incremental support distances added where flexibility is required.
General Rule: LFMC shall be securely fastened in place by an approved means within 12 in. of each box, cabinet, conduit body, or other conduit termination and shall be supported and secured at intervals not to exceed 4 1/2 ft.
New Exception No. 2
(1) For sizes ½ inch to 1 ¼ inch – 3 Feet Maximum with no support
(2) For sizes 1 ½ inch to 2 inch – 4 Feet Maximum with no support
(3) For sizes 2 ½ and larger – 5 Feet Maximum with no support
Note: This exception does not apply for transformers according to the IAEI.

Question: Where flexibility is required for sizes ½ inch to 1 ¼ inch LFMC can be run ____________ with no support.

a) 5 Feet Maximum
b) 4 Feet Maximum
c) 3 Feet Maximum
6 348.60 Grounding and Bonding for Liquidtight Flexible Metal Conduit
New phrase "after installation" added
When used to connect equipment where flexibility is required after installation, an equipment grounding conductor shall be installed.

Question: When used to connect equipment where flexibility is required after installation, _______________________________in Liquidtight Flexible Metal Conduit.

a) external bonding jumper shall be installed
b) an equipment grounding conductor shall be installed
c) an internal bonding jumper shall be installed
7 Article 352 Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit has been removed for this Article and placed into a new Article 355. Article 352 now covers only rigid Polyvinyl Chloride Type (PVC) schedules 80 and 40 conduit.

Question: Article 352 now covers only _______________ .

a) HDPE conduit
b) Polyvinyl Chloride Type (PVC)
c) RTRC conduit
8 352.10(F) Exposed
PVC conduit shall be permitted for exposed work. PVC conduit used exposed in areas subject to physical damage shall be identified for the application.

Question: PVC conduit used exposed in areas subject to physical damage shall be ____________ for the application.

a) listed
b) identified
c) approved
9 352.10(G) Underground Installations
For underground installations homogenous and nonhomogenous PVC shall be permitted for direct burial and underground where encased in concrete. See 300.5 and 300.50.

Question: For underground installations homogenous and nonhomogenous PVC ____________ for direct burial and underground where encased in concrete.

a) shall not be permitted
b) shall be permitted
10 352.12(A) Uses Not Permitted
Nonmetallic wiring methods are not permitted in any hazardous location unless permitted by other Article in the NEC.
This change has been applied to all Articles for the following conduits: Rigid PVC, HDPE, ENT, NUCC, RTRC, and LFNC.

Question: Nonmetallic wiring methods __________ in any hazardous location unless permitted by other Article in the NEC.

a) are not permitted
b) are permitted

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© Gerald Newton