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Voltage Drop Test 1

Course Name:  Voltage Drop 
Quiz Number:  No. 1
Teacher:  Gerald Newton
Teacher's Email:

No. of Questions= 10

1 An applied voltage of 10 percent below rating can result in a decrease in efficiency of substantially more than 10 percent — for example, fluorescent light output would be reduced by 15 percent, and incandescent light output would be reduced by __________ . Induction motors would run hotter and produce less torque.
a) 10 percent
b) 30 percent
c) 40 percent
2 Energy costs can be _________ by decreasing voltage drop.
a) lowered
b) eliminated
c) increased
3 Article 647 states that for Sensitive Electronic Equipment the voltage drop on branch circuits supplying equipment connected using wiring methods in Chapter 3 shall not exceed _________ and the combined voltage drop of feeder and branch-circuit conductors shall not exceed __________ .
a) 5 percent, 2.5 percent
b) 3 percent, 5 percent
c) 1.5 percent, 2.5 percent
4 By NEC Article 645 for fire pumps the voltage at the controller line terminals shall not drop more than _________ below normal (controller-rated voltage) under motor starting conditions. The voltage at the motor terminals shall not drop more than _________ below the voltage rating of the motor when the motor is operating at 115 percent of the full-load current rating of the motor.
a) 5 percent, 3 percent
b) 15 percent, 3 percent
c) 15 percent, 5 percent
5 The energy Code has strict requirements and limits the voltage drop on branch circuits for the run from the final circuit breaker to the outlet or load to _______ maximum voltage drop allowed at design load and limits the voltage drop for the run between the service entrance equipment and the branch circuit distribution equipment to _______ maximum voltage drop allowed at design load.
a) 3 percent, 2 percent
b) 2 percent, 5 percent
c) 5 percent, 4 percent
6 The effect of a power factor equal to 0.85 for 3 each 3-phase 500 kcmil conductors in a steel raceway increases voltage drop by ____________than the direct current method of calculation.
a) 94 percent more
b) 94 percent less
c) 100 percent more
7 There are several ways to decrease voltage drop. They include:
a) using larger size conductors
b) shortening the circuit length
c) decreasing the circuit load
d) for decreasing voltage drop to neutral by balancing the load for 3-phase, 4 wire systems
e) All of the above
8 If power factor is not close to 1.0 voltage drop for 3 phase 3 wire circuits in raceway can be found using information from _______ of the NEC.
a) Table 8
b) Table 9
c) Table 10
9 When we use the direct current method of finding voltage drop we can use the resistances from Table 8 of the NEC or use the following equation: (where L is one way circuit length)
a) VD = (2KLI/CMA) x multiplier
b) VD = (KLI/CMA) x multiplier
c) VD = (KLI/CMA)
10 By Table 8 of the NEC the resistance of 1000 feet of No. 10 copper stranded conductor is _______ .
a) 1.24 ohms
b) 1.21 ohms
c) 2.04 ohms

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© Gerald Newton