Voltage drop = (2) x (the circuit length in ft.) x (resistance
per 1 ft.) x (current)
Example: Circuit is a two wire circuit, 100 feet long, the
wire is copper No. 16. What is the voltage drop for 4 amperes?
By Table 8 Chapter 9 the resistance of 1 000 ft. of No. 16 copper conductor
is 4.99 ohms (uncoated and stranded).
Voltage drop = 2 x 100 x 4.99/1000 x 4 amperes
= 4.0 volts
For a voltage of 24 volts this converts to 4.0/24 x 1 00 percent
or 16.7 percent which is probably too high for most applications therefore
a larger wire size would be required.